
a conspiração da pandemia, parte 2 (?)

ainda a gripe 'suína' - uma análise (argentina) que me parece séria, bem documentada:

  • o que se esconde por detrás da mediatização da gripe?
  • quais os efeitos secundários do Tamiflu?
  • que relação com a gripe das aves, afinal uma montanha que que acabou por parir um rato .. ?


E o que é que é?




Estará o homem dessincronizado?

E porque o Natal está quase à porta... imagem daqui
Pode ler-se na que o "inginheiro" disse:

"Não, ainda não [fui vacinado], mas tenho muita esperança que o seja, assim que estiver disponível essa vacina fá-lo-ei imediatamente", garantiu o primeiro-ministro à entrada da reunião dos líderes socialistas europeus


1º- Mas alguém tem "esperança" numa coisa destas

2º- Mas o raio da coisa não está já disponível?

3º- Mas não é verdade que vieram umas quantas em pacotinho especial, uma das quais para ele?





EUA recusam vacina para gripe A usada na Europa

A vacina que está a ser usada em Portugal contra a gripe A não foi aprovada pelos Estados Unidos por conter substâncias na sua composição que podem alegadamente causar danos à saúde dos que a tomam. Trata-se da Pandemrix, vacina aprovada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e escolhida pela Agência Europeia do Medicamento para ser usada em todos os Estados membros. E em relação à qual o Infarmed garante terem sido feitos todos os testes de qualidade (...)

Nos EUA, a Pandemrix não foi aprovada porque contém uma substância, o escaleno, que alegadamente provoca a alteração do sistema imunitário. Vários estudos ligaram os seus efeitos à síndrome da Guerra do Golfo porque terá sido utilizado como adjuvante na vacina do antrax (ler coluna ao lado). O que está em causa nesta vacina, segundo os seus detractores, são dois componentes que se encontram tanto na própria vacina como no adjuvante que lhe é adicionado para aumentar os efeitos.

Apesar de a vacina da GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) estar em conformidade com as regras europeias da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), ela contém, segundo a informação que esteve no site da farmacêutica até ontem a meio do dia, cinco microgramas de tiomersal - na vacina - e 10, 69 miligramas de escaleno - no adjuvante -, cujos efeitos secundários são polémicos e considerados insuficientemente testados nos seres humanos. Estes dois produtos são necessários para potenciar os efeitos da vacina de modo a que a já gigantesca produção do medicamento satisfaça a procura em menos tempo de produção. O escaleno reduz o tempo da cultura de vírus inactivos e o tiomersal permite utilizar o sistema da multidose.





Imagem retirada daqui
Os insubstituíveis

Sou dos que estão de acordo com a prioridade dos deputados na vacinação contra a gripe H1N1, ao lado dos profissionais de saúde "dificilmente substituíveis", e os do INEM, do Instituto do Sangue ou da Linha Saúde 24.
Como nos naufrágios, primeiro os deputados, depois as mulheres e as crianças. Precisamos, de facto, dos deputados como de pão para a boca. Se eles calhassem de apanhar a gripe, o país pararia; sem as suas intervenções antes, depois e durante a Ordem do Dia, não saberíamos que fazer nem que pensar; sem as suas votações levantando-se e sentando-se disciplinadamente às ordens das direcções partidárias, seria o caos no país e nas consciências; e sem o Canal Parlamento a vida perderia sentido. Parafraseando Brecht, sem os deputados "o trigo cresceria para baixo em vez de crescer para cima (…)/ E atrever-se-ia o Sol a nascer/ sem [sua] autorização"? Não entendo, por isso, os que defendem que os doentes crónicos e de risco deveriam ser vacinados primeiro que os deputados. Doentes é o que mais há e, se morrerem, podem substituir-se com facilidade. E ainda se poupará em despesas de saúde.

Manuel António Pina no JN



Quantos beijos vale uma vacina?

Disse o bacalhau seco...
E agora pergunto eu:
Já está vacinada contra o quê? Gripe, beijos ou... campanhas?


Até na vacinação da gripe dos porcos há uns porcos que são mais iguais que outros

 A gripo dos porcos

As autoridades de Saúde estão preocupadas com a recusa de alguns profissionais em serem vacinados contra a gripe A. Muitos enfermeiros e médicos têm recusado a vacina por não considerarem a gripe tão grava como alguns apregoam e por a vacina poder causar mais problemas que a própria doença. Por mais que a Ministra e o Director Geral de saúde e todos os que orbitam á sua volta, venham dizer que serão os primeiros a tomar a vacina, critiquem o que dizem ser as “posições infundadas” de pessoal médico e afirmar que “É uma questão de responsabilidade”, a verdade é que muitos a recusam. Cá por casa também ninguém a vai tomar, sobretudo depois de sabermos que na Alemanha o governo pretende vacinar os governantes e o exército com uma vacina diferente daquela que vão distribuir pela população (a mesma que vai ser utilizada em Portugal). Parece que até na vacinação da gripe dos porcos há uns porcos que são mais iguais que outros.


Em directo tem outro não sei quê...

Imagem TSF
Lembram-se da estorieta da Ágata parir em directo na TVI, o que nunca se veio a concretizar?
Lembram-se da chegada do homem à Lua, que, pelos vistos, também não?
Pois bem, hoje, em directo, ao vivo e a cores, Francisco George, director-geral de saúde, foi vacinado diante de milhares (?) de caras tão incrédulas quanto a minha (quiçá...).
Ná, ainda não foi desta que me convenceste... nem que estivesses o dia inteiro a ser espetedo pela solícita enfermeira que te assistiu!
A outra pariu. mas não em directo e a bandeira a esvoaçar seria fruto de quê?
Qual era o lote da vacina? O mesmo das que vieram bem acondicionadas e escoltadas para a dupla do nosso enjoo?


Tem a sua piada ...

Um paciente robótico que simula estar com o vírus H1N1
" ... Além de possuir uma pele que imita a nossa, transpirar, ter convulsões, gemer, gritar e até chorar, o paciente robô apresenta todos os sintomas de uma pessoa infectada pelo temido vírus H1N1.
Caso o robô não receba o tratamento adequado, os sintomas pioram gradativamente, até que, por fim, ele para de respirar. ..."

Vídeo de pinktentacle3

Fonte: MCZiNFO



Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla O'bama | De resto, anedótico

"A TSF conversou com o pneumologista, Meliço Silvestre, para perceber as razões da decisão de Barack Obama, de decretar um estado de emrgência sanitária. O avanço rápido do vírus H1N1 faz com que a transmissão da gripe A seja muito maior que uma gripe sazonal, por isso tudo pode acontecer.
  • Meliço Silvestre explica posição de Barack Obama perante ameaça de propagação do vírus H1N1
  • Meliço Silvestre considera que Portugal deve estar preparado para todos os cenários possíveis
..." Fonte TSF



Um conselho, please

Parece que eu faço parte dos profissionais imprescindíveis, ou lá o que isso seja. Como tal, tenho até 2ª Feira para dizer se aceito ou não a Vacina.
Tomo? Não tomo?


"Não é a gripe suína que é perigosa, são as vacinas"

Entre as muitas teorias que têm surgido sobre o novo vírus da gripe A (H1N1), a de Rauni Kilde, ex-directora clínica da província finlandesa da Lapónia, é inédita: defende que a OMS mente nas estatísticas que apresenta e que as “elites” estão concertadas para reduzir a população mundial a dois terços (...) A médica refere-se ainda à epidemia de uma variante da gripe suína que surgiu na década de 70, nos Estados Unidos da América, que envolveu uma grande campanha de vacinação. Kilde refere que os EUA "deixaram a vacinação após três semanas porque havia muita gente a morrer e com danos neurológicos" e que "se asseguraram de que as pessoas não são compensadas pelos danos sofridos"
Mais aqui

Teorias da Conspiração de uma Finlandesa que até pode conhecer o Pai Natal?


Coimbra | Hospital dos Covões | 8 casos

Imagem: RTP


Quem não quer levar a vacina? Pois é ... agora é que se levanta o véu!

Imagem: .:.

"Apenas 25% dos franceses pensam que as empresas (farmacêuticas) dizem tudo o que sabem sobre os seus medicamentos

A campanha de vacinação contra a gripe A começa hoje em França para os profissionais de saúde numa atmosfera de desconfiança
Gripe A: Início da vacinação em França, médicos estão cépticos"

Em 16 de Setembro, dos 4107 IDE questionados pela Syndicat National de la Profession Infirmière (SNPI), 65% recusaram a vacinação contra o H1N1."

Fonte: Crohn's News Blog


"Sueco morre 12 horas depois de ser vacinado"

Imagem daqui

"A agência sueca do medicamento registou 100 casos de reacções adversas da vacina Pandemrix (GSK), dos quais seis avaliados como graves

A agência sueca do medicamento está a investigar a morte de um homem doze horas depois de ser vacinado contra o vírus da gripe A (H1N1), apesar de até agora não ter sido estabelecida uma relação causa-efeito.

Num primeiro relatório publicado no seu site na Internet sobre as reacções adversas da vacina Pandemrix (GSK) registadas na Suécia, a agência do medicamento refere cerca de 100 casos, dos quais seis avaliados como graves, um dos quais resultou numa morte.

O homem padecia de aterosclerose grave, o que lhe provocava sérios problemas no funcionamento dos órgãos. A vítima sofreu uma dor de peito antes de morrer." (Lusa | Visão)
Notícias relacionadas:

Vacina da gripe A pode causar paralisia e morte
| Económico
Notícias sobre economia actualizadas ao minuto, informação de mercados, empresas e política, vídeos diários, opiniões de analistas e especialistas.
economico.sapo.pt/.../vacina-da-gripe-a-pode-causar-paralisia-e-morte_69828.html -
Gripe A: enfermeiros da Linha de Saúde 24 recusam a vacina
TVI ... mas a maior parte destes mais de 200 enfermeiros não quer. A Direcção-geral de Saúde refere que a vacina contra o H1N1 é eficaz e segura.
Vírus H1N1: Vacinas já chegaram aos centros de saúde
Correio da Manhã - O número de alunos infectado com o vírus da gripe A (H1N1) na EB 2/3 da Costa de Caparica, Almada, subiu ontem para dez, existindo suspeitas sobre mais ...


"Gripe A H1N1: Médicos obrigados a passar atestados sem observar doentes, o que é "ilegal" – sindicato"

"Lisboa, 22 Out (Lusa) – Os médicos dos centros de saúde estão a ser "obrigados" a passar atestados médicos a doentes com gripe A, ou seus familiares, sem os observarem clinicamente, o que é "ilegal", denuncia o Sindicato Independente dos Médicos (SIM).

Em declarações à agência Lusa, o secretário-geral do SIM, Carlos Arroz, considera que a situação é "grave", pois os doentes ou familiares são encaminhados para as suas residências, o que os obriga a faltarem à escola ou ao trabalho.

Por outro lado, prosseguiu, é exigido as doentes ou familiares de pacientes com gripe A uma justificação das faltas à escola ou ao trabalho e, logo, que se desloquem ao centro de saúde para obterem esse documento." (Portugal Zone)



"Gripe A/H1N1: Quatro enfermeiras e uma médica entre os seis casos do Hospital dos Covões"


Cuidado com os hospitais! [Ai ... ]

Enfermeiras e uma médica contagiadas com H1N1 em Coimbra
"Quatro enfermeiras do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra (CHC) e uma médica contraíram gripe A. Os cinco casos de gripe H1N1 estão de quarentena e a receber tratamento médico."


Levem, levem ...



A fugir com o rabo à seringa?

Imagem daqui

(se fosse uma coisa "muita" boa já tinha uma guardada...)


E ... agora são os perus (já é a segunda vez mas ... devemos ter fontes diferentes)

Autoridades canadenses detectam perus com vírus A (H1N1)


"Este vírus humano essencialmente foi identificado previamente em porcos e aves. Nossa hipótese de trabalho é que esta situação provavelmente representou a transmissão de humanos a aves", disse Stark, durante a entrevista coletiva. ...



... e afecta mortalmente mortalmente muitos jovens ... algo bate muiiiito mal


Afinal, a gripe também é dos porcos!!!

Imagem: Blog Supino
O departamento da Agricultura dos EUA anunciou esta segunda-feira que foi detectado pelo menos um porco infectado com o vírus responsável pela gripe A, o H1N1. Este é o primeiro caso do género em território norte-americano. De acordo com a agência AP,




Imagem daqui
(leia, página a página, clicando na setinha e depois, se ainda não estiver satisfeito/a, ouça!)



"Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine"

by Mike Adams
Imagem: Natural News Network

"(NaturalNews) Prepare to have your world rocked. What you're about to read here will leave you astonished, inspired and outraged all at the same time. You're about to be treated to some little-known information demonstrating why seasonal flu vaccines are utterly worthless and why their continued promotion is based entirely on fabricated studies and medical mythology.

If the whole world knew what you're about to read here, the vaccine industry would collapse overnight.

This information comes to you courtesy of a brilliant article published in The Atlantic (November 2009). The article, written by Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer, isn't just brilliant; in my opinion it stands as the best article on flu vaccines that has ever been published in the popular press. Entitled Does the vaccine matter?, it presents some of the most eye-opening information you've probably ever read about the failure of flu vaccines. You can read the full article here: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/2009...

Perhaps its impressive narrative shouldn't be too surprising, though, since writer Shannon Brownlee is also the celebrated author of a phenomenal book on modern medicine entitled Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker and Poorer (http://www.amazon.com/Overtreated-M...) (http://www.naturalpedia.com/book_Ov...).

While I've never done this before, I'm going to summarize this article point by point (along with some comments) so that you get the full force of what's finally been put into print.

This information is so important that I encourage you to share the following summary I've put together. Email it to family, friends and coworkers. Or post it on your blog or website (with a link and proper credit to both NaturalNews and The Atlantic, please). Get this information out to the world. People need to know this, and so far the mainstream media has utterly failed to make this information known.

(The really good information begins after around a dozen bullet points, so be sure to keep reading...)

Does the vaccine matter?

What follows is my point-by-point summary of this groundbreaking article by Shannon Brownlee, originally published in The Atlantic. My opinion statements are shown in brackets and italics.

• Vaccination is the core strategy of the U.S. government's plan to combat the swine flu.

• The U.S. government has spent roughly $3 billion stockpiling vaccines and anti-viral drugs.

• The CDC is recommending that 159 million Americans receive a swine flu vaccine injection (as soon as possible).

• What if vaccines don't work? More and more researchers are skeptical about whether they do.

• Seasonal flu (that's the regular flu) currently kills an estimated 36,000 people each year in the United States. [But most people who die are already suffering from existing diseases such as asthma.]

• Most "colds" aren't really caused by the flu virus. As few as 7 or 8 percent (and at most, 50 percent) of colds have an influenza origin. There are more than 200 viruses and pathogens that can cause "influenza-like" illnesses (and therefore be easily mistaken for the flu).

• Viruses mutate with amazing speed, meaning that each year's circulating influenza is genetically different from the previous year.

• The vaccine for each upcoming flu season is formulated by health experts taking a guess [a wild guess, at times] about what strain of influenza might be most likely to circulate in the future.

• The 1918 Spanish Flu infected roughly one-third of the world population and killed at least 40 million.

• In the U.S., the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology predicted that H1N1 influenza could infect up to one-half of the U.S. population and kill 90,000 Americans.
[Keep reading, the good part is coming...]
• Of those who have died from the Swine Flu in the U.S., roughly 70 percent were already diseased with some serious underlying condition such as asthma or AIDS.

• Public health officials consider vaccines to be their first and best weapon against influenza. Vaccines helped eradicate smallpox and polio. [I don't agree with that assessment. Vaccines did relatively little compared to improvements in public sanitation.]
• Each year, 100 million Americans get vaccinated, and vaccines remain "a staple" of public health policy in the United States.

Why the research is bogus

• Because researchers can't exactly pin down who has influenza and who doesn't, the research conducted on the effectiveness of vaccines simply calculates the death rate from all causes among those who take the vaccine vs. those who don't. [This includes deaths from accidents, heart attacks, medications, car wrecks and everything.]

• These studies show a "dramatic difference" between the death rates of those who get the vaccines vs. those who don't. People who get vaccinated have significantly lower death rates [from ALL causes, and herein lies the problem...].

• Flu shot propaganda cites these studies, telling people that if they get their flu shots every year, they will have a significantly reduced chance of dying. But this is extremely misleading...

• Critics question the logic of these studies: As it turns out, compared to the number of deaths from all causes, the number of people killed by influenza is quite small. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, deaths from influenza account for -- at most -- 10 percent of the total deaths during the flu season (and this includes all indirect deaths aggravated by the flu).

• This brings up a hugely important dilemma: If influenza only accounts for roughly 10 percent of all deaths during the flu season, how could an influenza vaccine reduce total deaths by 50 percent? (As is claimed by the vaccine manufacturers.) [It doesn't add up. Even if the vaccines were 100% effective, they should only reduce the total death rates by 10%, given that only 10% of the total deaths are caused by influenza.]

• Here's a direct quote from the story: Tom Jefferson, a physician based in Rome and the head of the Vaccines Field at the Cochrane Collaboration, a highly respected international network of researchers who appraise medical evidence, says: "For a vaccine to reduce mortality by 50 percent and up to 90 percent in some studies means it has to prevent deaths not just from influenza, but also from falls, fires, heart disease, strokes, and car accidents. That's not a vaccine, that's a miracle." [Emphasis added.]

The failure of cohort studies
• So how do the vaccine companies come up with this "50% reduction in death rate" statistic? Through cohort studies.

• Cohort studies compare the death rates of large groups of people who received the vaccine to large groups of people who did NOT receive the vaccine. But there's a fatal flaw in this approach: People self-select for vaccinations. And what kind of people? As it turns out: People who take more precautions with their health!

[Thus, you automatically have a situation where the more health-cautious people are getting the vaccines because they THINK it's good for them. Meanwhile all the masses of people who don't give a darn about their health tend to skip the seasonal flu vaccines. And these people tend to not take very good of their health in lots of other ways. In other words, in terms of the masses, people who get vaccines are more likely to avoid junk food and live a more health-cautious lifestyle. This explains the differences in the death rates between the two groups! It has nothing to do with the vaccine...]

• There is extreme "cult-like" peer pressure put on doctors and researchers to swallow the vaccine mythology without question. Quoted from the story: Lisa Jackson, a physician and senior investigator with the Group Health Research Center, in Seattle, began wondering aloud to colleagues if maybe something was amiss with the estimate of 50 percent mortality reduction for people who get flu vaccine, the response she got sounded more like doctrine than science. "People told me, 'No good can come of [asking] this,'" she says. "'Potentially a lot of bad could happen' for me professionally by raising any criticism that might dissuade people from getting vaccinated, because of course, 'We know that vaccine works.' This was the prevailing wisdom." [In other words, don't dare question the vaccine, and don't ask tough scientific questions because the vaccine industry runs on dogma, not science... and if you ask any questions, you might find yourself out of a job...].

[Here's where the really good part begins...]
• Lisa Jackson was not deterred. She and three other researchers began to study the widely-quoted vaccine statistics in an attempt to identify this "healthy user effect," if any. They looked through eight years of medical data covering 72,000 people aged 65 or older and recorded who received flu shots and who didn't. Then they compared the death rates for all causes outside the flu season.
The vaccine made no difference in mortality
• What she found blows a hole right through the vaccination industry: She found that even outside the flu season, the death rate was 60 percent higher among those who did not get vaccines than among those who do. [In other words, even when you take the flu season completely out of the equation, elderly people who don't get vaccines have other lifestyle factors that makes them far more likely to die from lots of other causes.]

• She also found that this so-called "healthy user effect" explains the entire apparent benefit that continues to be attributed to vaccines. This finding demonstrates that the flu vaccine may not have any beneficial effect whatsoever in reducing mortality.

• How well done were these particular studies? Quoted from the story: Jackson's papers "are beautiful," says Lone Simonsen, who is a professor of global health at George Washington University, in Washington, D.C., and an internationally recognized expert in influenza and vaccine epidemiology. "They are classic studies in epidemiology, they are so carefully done."

• Many pro-vaccine experts simply refused to believe the results of this study [because it conflicts with their existing belief in vaccine mythology]. The Journal of the American Medical Association refused to publish her research, even stating, "To accept these results would be to say that the earth is flat!" [Which just goes to show you how deeply ingrained the current vaccine mythology is in the minds of conventional medical practitioners. They simply cannot imagine that vaccines don't work, so they dismiss any evidence -- even GOOD evidence -- demonstrating that fact. This is what makes the vaccine industry a CULT rather than a science.]

• Jackson's papers were finally published in 2006, in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
[And here's the really, really juicy part you can't miss...]

Vaccine shortage proves it never worked in the first place

• The history of the flu vaccine reveals some huge gaps in current vaccination mythology, essentially proving they don't work:

• For example: In 2004, vaccine production was low and there was a shortage in vaccines (a 40 percent reduction in vaccinations). And yet mortality rates did not rise during the flu season. [Clearly, if vaccines actually worked, then a year when the vaccine wasn't even administered to 40% of the people who normally get it should have resulted in a huge and statistically significant increase in mortality. It should have spiked the death rates and filled the morgues... but it didn't. You know why? Because flu vaccines don't work in the first place.]

• In the history of flu vaccines, there were two years in which the formulated flu vaccine was a total mismatch to the widely-circulating influenza that made people sick. These years were 1968 and 1997. In both of these years, the vaccine was a completely mismatch for the circulating virus. In effect, nobody was vaccinated! [Knowing this, if the vaccine itself was effective at reducing death rates, then we should have once again seen a huge spike in the death rates during these two years, right? Seriously, if the vaccine reduces death rates by 50% as is claimed by vaccine manufacturers, then these two years in which the vaccine completely missed the mark should have seen huge spikes in the winter death rates, right? But what really happened was... nothing. Not a blip. Not a spike. Nothing. The death rates didn't rise at all.]

• If vaccines really worked to save lives, then the more people you vaccinate, the lower death rates you should see, right? But that's not the case. Back in 1989, only 15 percent of over-65 people got vaccinated against the flu. But today, thanks to the big vaccine push, over 65 percent are vaccinated. And yet, amazingly, death rates among the elderly have not gone down during the flu season. In fact, they've gone up!

• When vaccine promoters (and CDC officials) are challenged about the "50 percent mortality reduction" myth, they invoke dogmatic language and attack the messenger. They are simply not willing to consider the possibility that flu vaccines simply don't work.

• Scientists who question the vaccine mythology are routinely shunned by the medical establishment. Tom Jefferson from the Cochrane Collaboration is an epidemiologist who questions the claimed benefits of flu vaccines. "The reaction [against Jefferson] has been so dogmatic and even hysterical that you'd think he was advocating stealing babies" said a colleague (Majumdar).

• Jefferson is one of the world's best-informed researchers on the flu vaccine. He leads a team of researchers who have examined hundreds of vaccine studies. To quote directly from the article: The vast majority of the studies were deeply flawed, says Jefferson. "Rubbish is not a scientific term, but I think it's the term that applies [to these studies]."

[And here's the real kicker that demonstrates why flu vaccines are useless...]

Flu vaccines only "work" on people who don't need them
• Vaccines supposedly "work" by introducing a weakened viral strain that causes the immune system to respond by building influenza antibodies. However, as Jefferson points out, only healthy people produce a good antibody response to the vaccine. And yet it is precisely the unhealthy people -- the ones who have a poor immune response to the vaccine -- who are most at risk of being harmed or killed by influenza. But the vaccines don't work in them!

[In other words -- get this -- flu vaccines only "work" in people who don't need them!]

[At the same time, it's also accurate to say that vaccines don't work at all in the very people who theoretically could benefit from them. They only produce antibodies in people who already have such a strong immune response that they don't need the vaccine in the first place.]

• Jefferson has called for randomized, placebo-controlled studies of the vaccines. But vaccine pushers are resisting these clinical trials! They call the trials "unethical" [but, in reality, they know that a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study would reveal the complete failure of flu vaccines, and they will do anything to prevent such a trial from happening. Don't you find it amazing that drug pushers and vaccine advocates claim they have "science" on their side, but they won't submit their vaccines to any real science at all?]

[No placebo-controlled studies have ever been conducted on flu vaccines because the industry says they would be "unethical." So where do these people get off claiming their vaccines work at all? The whole industry is based on fabricated statistics that are provably false... and the injections continue, year after year, with absolutely no benefit to public health whatsoever...]

Why anti-viral drugs don't work either
• On the anti-viral drug front, hospitals are urged to hand out prescriptions for Tamiflu and Relenza to almost anyone who is symptomatic, whether they actually have swine flu or not. Concern is growing about the emergence of drug-resistant strains of swine flu. " Flu can become resistant to Tamiflu in a matter of days..." says one researcher.

• In 2005, the U.S. government spent $1.8 billion to stockpile antiviral drugs for the military. This decision was made during the time when Donald Rumsfeld was Defense Secretary. Rumsfeld also held millions of dollars worth of stock in Gilead Sciences, the company that holds the patent on Tamiflu. That company saw its stock price rise 50 percent following the government's stockpiling purchase of Tamiflu.

• The evidence supporting Tamiflu's anti-viral benefits is flimsy at best. Even worse, as many as one in five children taking Tamiflu experience neuropsychiatric side effects including hallucinations and suicidal behavior. [In other words, your kid might be "tripping out" on some bad Tamiflu...]

• Tamiflu is already linked to 50 deaths of children in Japan.

• The evidence supporting Tamiflu is based on cohort studies, just like the vaccines, which may distort or exaggerate the apparent benefits of the drug.

• Even supporters of Tamiflu admit it's never been proven to help. A CDC official says that randomized trials to determine the effectiveness of Tamiflu would be "unethical."

• In all, neither vaccines nor anti-viral drugs have any reliable evidence that they work against influenza at all. Both are being promoted based entirely on pure wishful thinking, not hard science.

• The history of pharmaceutical medicine is littered with other examples of drugs that doctors "knew worked" but which later turned out to harm or kill patients. [All along, the proper scientific studies were avoided because, hey, if you already know everything, why bother conducting any actual science to prove anything?]

• The hype about vaccines provides a false sense of security, taking away attention from other things that really do work to prevent influenza deaths. That's why, except for "hand washing," virtually no advice has been offered to the public on preventing influenza beyond vaccines and anti-viral drugs.

• Concluding quote from the author: "By being afraid to do the proper studies now, we may be condemning ourselves to using treatments based on illusion and faith rather than sound science."
A recap of these astonishing points

Let's recap what we just learned here (because it's just mind-boggling):
• There have been no placebo-controlled studies on flu vaccines because the vaccine pushers say such clinical trials would be "unethical." Thus, there is actually no hard scientific evidence that they work at all.

• The "50 percent reduction in mortality" statistic that's tossed around by vaccine pushers is a total fabrication based on "rubbish" studies ("cohort" studies).

• Scrutinizing the existing studies that claim to support vaccines reveals that flu vaccines simply don't work. And when vaccines aren't available or the formulation is wrong, there's no spike in death rates, indicating quite conclusively that these vaccines offer no reduction in mortality.

• Flu vaccines only produce antibodies in people who don't need vaccines. At the same time, they fail to produce antibodies in people who are most vulnerable to flu. Thus, vaccines only work in people who don't need them.

• The entire flu vaccine industry is run like a cult, with dogma ruling over science. Anyone who asks tough, scientific questions is immediately branded a heretic. No one is allowed to question the status quo. (So much for "evidence-based medicine," huh?)

As you can see from all this, the flu vaccine is pure quackery. Those who administer vaccines are, by inference, QUACKS. They claim to have scientific minds, and yet they are the most gullible of all: They will believe almost anything if it's published in a medical journal, even if it's complete quackery.

Today, countless doctors, nurses and pharmacists across North America and around the world are pushing a medically worthless, scientifically-fabricated chemical injection that offers absolutely no benefit to public health... and yet they're convinced it's highly effective! It just goes to show you how easy it is to brainwash people in the field of conventional medicine.

They've abandoned real science long ago, you know. Now the whole industry is just run on the momentum of dogmatic arrogance and the illusion of authority. From the CDC and FDA on down to the local pharmacist at the corner store, the American medical system is run by some seemingly smart people who have been brainwashed into become full-fledged members of the Cult of Pharmacology where vaccine mythology overrules real science.

The vaccine industry is perhaps the greatest medical scam ever pulled off in the history of the world. Don't fall for it.

And don't forget to read the full article in The Atlantic by Shannon Brownlee: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/2009...

Why people get vaccinated: Superstition
Reading everything you've read here, you might wonder: Why do people get vaccinated at all?

The reason is because no one knows whether they work or not, so people keep on taking them "just in case." It's exactly the kind of superstitious ritual that "science-minded skeptics" rail against on a regular basis... unless, of course, it involves their vaccines, in which case superstition is all okay.

People take vaccines for the same reason they rub a rabbit's foot. It's a good luck ritual that may or may not work, but no one really knows. And besides, what's the harm in it? (They think...)

Personally, I'd rather get some vitamin D and have a healthy, functioning immune system. But for those who prefer to play the lotto, gamble in Vegas or bet their lives on medical superstitions, flu vaccines are readily available.

So what are you waiting for? Shoot up a few flu vaccines, rub your lucky rabbit's foot, then spin around clockwise seven times and you, too, may be able to generate enough luck to avoid the flu this winter.

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Nem comento! Não sei que pensar...

Gripe A: Vacina provoca resultados falso-positivos de sida

Resultados falso-positivos de sida e de hepatite C podem surgir após a administração da vacina pandémica. O alerta é feito pelas autoridades de Saúde num documento sobre a distribuição da vacina a partir da próxima semana.
Exclusivo Expresso in http://aeiou.expresso.pt/gripe-a-vacina-provoca-resultados-falso-positivos-de-sida=f541197


UTILIDADES PARA O PROFESSORADO | Justificação de faltas por Gripe A





‘Témo de fazé o mata-mata ao vírus’

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica, Respira – Associação Portuguesa de Pessoas com DPOC e outras Doenças Respiratórias Crónicas – e Associação Portuguesa de Asmáticos (Ufaaaaa…), decidiram lançar a campanha «protecção de campeão». O rosto da campanha será Luiz Felipe Scolari, o qual irá utilizar vários chavões futebolísticos para que o povinho perceba melhor a dimensão da coisa e o cuidado que deve ter, isto no caso de ainda não ter percebido, ou todo o histerismo lhe esteja a passar ao lado.

Sempre viram em mim um treinador defensivo e por isso temos de usar uma táctica de 4-4-2 para vencer a gripe e as infecções respiratórias, através de acções que passam pela vacinação, descanso, alimentação e cuidados com o corpo. Se seguirem esta táctica chegaremos à vitória

Coloco sérias dúvidas sobre o modelo 4-4-2, preferindo antes um losango encaixado num agressivo 4-3-3, que se poderá transformar num complexo 4-1-3-2-1 com o avançar do Inverno.
Na emoção da conferência de imprensa, Scolari pediu para por a tocar o tema do seu compatriota Iran Costa, e gritou a todos portugueses:

Quero ver todo o mundo a pendurar uma máscara na varanda!


Aposto que há pessoal que nem aqui aparece para ler os posts ...

Imagem: Placa Sinalizadora "Limpeza em andamento"



Freira beneditina e médica explica a Gripe A (H1N1)

"Decidida a alertar a população para os riscos da vacinação contra o vírus da gripe A (H1N1), uma freira beneditina espanhola iniciou um movimento no YouTube. Mais do que alertar para os efeitos secundários, esta enfermeira e médica apela para que as pessoas “digam não à vacina”.

Teresa Forcades defende que ninguém deve ser obrigado a vacinar-se contra a gripe A e denuncia os interesses políticos e económicos por detrás das empresas responsáveis pela sua produção e comercialização.

A freira aponta uma situação de alegada contaminação para fundamentar a sua posição.
Refere especificamente que “um dos laboratórios responsáveis pela produção de vacinas contra a gripe A enviou uma vacina contaminada”."

Fonte: Freira beneditina e médica explica a Gripe A (H1N1) | Shared via AddThis



a gripe não mata, as injecções sim!

Afirmação peremptória da Dra. Rauni Kilde (ex-ministra da saúde da Finlândia): a história da pandemia provocada pelo vírus H1N1, de todo o pavor mediaticamente criado à volta da 'gripe A', é 'rubbish' - uma treta, a bem dizer. Perigosas mesmo, e a evitar a todo o custo, são as injecções! (vacinas e Tamiflu, deduzo..)

Ouvir para crer!!




Receita caseira

Todos nós já ouvimos e lemos inúmeras informações sobre a gripe A.

Também sabemos que a protecção é o maior meio de combate ao vírus.Como tal, e devido ao facto deste produto ter triplicado o seu preço, deixo aqui a receita para a elaboração de álcool em gel:
2 folhas de gelatina incolor e sem sabor (compra-se em qualquer supermercado)
1 copo de água quente para dissolver as 2 folhas de gelatina.
Deixe arrefecer.
Acrescente 12 copos de álcool de 96° graus.
Está pronto o álcool em gel de 72° a 75° graus.
Vamos acabar com este negócio... e passarmos nós a fazer o desinfectante!!!




Imagem daqui



Eu te condeno para todo o sempre



A fugir com o dito à seringa

Imagem daqui



Vacina "à la tranche"

Imagem daqui


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